Year: 2024
Early Corvair Trunk Drain
Corvair Antennas

In this article I will explore everything I’ve learned about Corvair radio antennas. As with all research projects, this article is subject to revision as new information becomes available. Corvair radio antennas can be roughly divided into four major groupings, based on antenna mast and body styles. These groups are:…
Corvair Power Train Installation and Removal Tools
When the Corvair revolutionized the American car market over 60 years ago, a host of specialized tools was needed, since much of the Corvair was quite different from other cars then available. This article overviews one particular type of tool – the jacks and cradles used to install and remove…
Corvair 95: Stock Was…
by Steve Spilatro …a series of occasional articles on changes to Corvair 95 components during its short production life Running Changes 1964 Model Year40 Tags: running, changes, articles, stockArticles by Bill Hubbell35Oil Bath Pre-Cleaners Air Conditioning Fast Idle Solenoids Washer Bottle Brackets 1964 Corvair Running Changes Early Corvair Door LatchesTags: corvair,…