Hi all. After posting this on the Stock Corvair FB page, Kent encouraged me to start a blog here.
I’ll start with pasting the text from the FB page:
Just thought I’d share some pics of a couple of spares on original rims. One is an original US Royal 6.50-13 tire on its original rim – 1965 air inside lol. Spare was originally from a local 65 4-door with A/C known since new. I will install it (for shows) in my 65 Corsa turbo. The second one is a new 7.00-13 Coker “Firestone” mounted on an original rim from another A/C car. This one will go into my 66 turbo convertible. I thought it was interesting to see the actual differences in size from the -1965 tire and the 1966+ tire. Also interesting to conclude how it seems the tires of the day were really designed for going in a straight line rather than around corners!

Mike–this is great! I understand that the larger tire size was mainly to fill the wheel well better — Chevy Styling was apparently not 100% happy with out the ’65 looked. I’d love to other photo that visually compares critical differences between the two tires. Any ideas?
Also, I was really happy to hear that Coker brought out the 7.00″ x 13″ size. Non-stock tire size kept me from showing the ’66 turbo convertible I used to own in VCCA judging due to the severe deduction for incorrect tires.